反政府武装星期天要求救援人员交出他们在失事地点找到的196具尸体, 并把它们放在反政府武装控制下的托里茨镇火车站的冷冻车厢内。 反政府武装说,这些尸体将保存在冷冻车里,直到国际调查人员抵达为止。
**Ukraine Rebels Recover Key Black Boxes from Malaysia Jet Crash Site**
Pro-Russian rebels say they have recovered the black boxes with key flight data from the Malaysia Airlines passenger jet that was shot down over the eastern Ukraine farmlands.
Rebel leader Alexander Borodai said Sunday the insurgents are holding the boxes and will turn them over to international air crash experts. The boxes, called black, but actually orange, record cockpit conversations and information on the plane's operations.
They could give investigators clues whether the pilots had any hint that an anti-aircraft missile was about to hit the jet Thursday, killing all 298 people aboard.
Rebels took control of 196 bodies rescue workers have recovered from the crash site. They put them on refrigerated train cars and said the bodies would remain in the rebel-held town of Torez, 15 kilometers from the crash site, until the international investigators arrive.
**威马逊台风肆虐中国 17人丧生**
中国媒体报道, 台风威马逊造成海南岛8人死亡,广西9人死亡。此前台风威马逊袭击菲律宾,至少94人丧生, 6人下落不明,首都马尼拉数百万人断电。
**Typhoon Kills 17 in China**
Typhoon Rammasun's violent winds and heavy rains are continuing a destructive path, killing 17 people in China after claiming nearly 100 lives in the Philippines.
The storm left eight people dead in the island province of Hainan before reaching the mainland, where nine died in Guangxi, according to Chinese state media.
At least 94 people are dead and six still missing in the Philippines following the storm, which knocked out power to millions in the capital of Manila.
The typhoon regained strength over the South China Sea and made landfall Friday in China with winds exceeding 200 kilometers an hour, making it the strongest storm to hit the area in 41 years.
Heavy rains are expected to lash northern China early this week.
A new storm, Matmo, could bring another round of heavy wind and rains to the same areas battered by Rammasun.