P: Hey Yang Chen, are you ready to go bowling?
Y: 保龄球? No, Patrick. I really hate bowling 。
P: 不是保龄球 - I'm talking about championship American football games.
Y: 那你为什么说是保龄球?
P: All right, I'll tell you, in this situation, to 'go bowling' means to watch or to participate in college football bowl games.
Y: Now I'm really confused. Are you talking about a bowl? 吃饭喝汤的碗?
P: Well, I do understand, it is the same word. But now as you know, lots of different meanings. And did you know that there are over 30 bowl games this year between America's top college football teams?
Y: Why so many bowl games ?
P As you know, America has a lot of colleges and universities, and many of these have football teams. Depending on their record, their rank and some other factors, they can be on center stage during the holidays!
Y: 噢,哪个球队能参加重大比赛,特别是假日期间,是根据他们过去的成绩或者排名,rank。
P: Exactly, Yang Chen. For example, the Rose Bowl,
Y: 玫瑰杯,也有人叫它玫瑰碗。
P That's right. The Rose Bowl is one of the biggest bowls. The Rose Bowl is in California, so the weather is beautiful, especially for college teams in the North of America, because the winter is really cold there.
Y: Hey Patrick, let's go to California now!
P Wait, does that mean you want to go see the Rose Bowl with me?
Y No。我要去迪斯尼乐园。