
中国时间 6:55 2024年10月24日 星期四




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A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,来告诉大家今天都要学什么?

A: 没问题! 今天,我们要跟着Helen去瞧瞧心理医生管不管用,经历一次特别的面试,还要告诉你怎么说紧跟潮流!

B: Are you talking about therapists?

A: Yep! I feel like therapists and anti-depression drugs are very common in America. In China, no one would admit they are depressed since it's a sign of weakness!

B: I think Americans are generally more open with this issue. And yes, anti-depression drugs are pretty common here.

A: 好! 等会再让你给大家介绍! 现在,咱们先赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word - 1573 foolproof

今天我们要学的词是 foolproof. Foolproof is spelled f-o-o-l-p-r-o-o-f, foolproof。 Foolproof的意思是“简单有效的”“不会出错的”。Social networks whose target audience is kids, acknowledge that there may be no foolproof way to block online predators. 那些以儿童为主要消费者的社交网站承认,能完全阻止网络人身侵害的方法也许并不存在。As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney once proposed a foolproof death penalty law that guaranteed only the guilty could be executed. 美国共和党总统候选人米特•罗姆尼在当麻州州长时曾提起一项死刑法,据说可以万无一失地确保只有真正犯罪的人才被处决。好的,今天我们学习的词是 foolproof, foolproof, foolproof...

A: Speaking of foolproof, Mike,你不是把手机摔了之后一直要买新手机吗? Did you get a new one? Is it foolproof? I mean, you need something at your level of tech savvy.

B: Hahaha, oh you're just a riot aren't you? I'll have you know I always have my finger on the pulse of new technology. But seriously, everywhere I go, people are talking about the new iPhone 5. I really don't see the appeal, its only slightly thinner and longer than the iPhone 4s!

A: Yep. And I heard iPhone 5 has a battery life problems. When you start to download a lot of data, the battery drains out super fast.

B: Hey! Seems like we both have our fingers on the pulse of the newest apple products! !

A: 那当然! 你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿 have one's finger on the pulse, 咱们来听听这个习惯用语的用法吧!

Words and Idioms 984

美国习惯用语第 984讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是Steve Baragona.


M: Have one's finger on the pulse. Finger is spelled f-i-n-g-e-r, and pulse; p-u-l-s-e. Have one's finger on the pulse.

大家都知道,finger是手指的意思,pulse 脉搏,have one's finger on the pulse, 手指放在脉搏上,意思就是紧跟最新动态。上面例子里,When it comes to gardening, our club president seems to HAVE HER FINGER ON THE PULSE. 我们园艺社社长对园艺的走向简直是了如指掌。在美国,Superbowl 超级杯一向都是全民关注的重点。而中场表演嘉宾也备受瞩目。今年的表演者是Madonna 麦当娜,让我们来听听下面这位娱乐记者的介绍:

M: "Madonna has sold more than 300 million records worldwide. She's also recognized as the top-selling female rock artist of the 20th century. How did she become so immensely popular? She continuously reinvented her music and image based on what the public was looking for. Especially during the 1980s and 90s, Madonna always HAD HER FINGER ON THE PUILSE. "

这段话是说:麦当娜光碟的全球销量已经超过3亿张。她被公认是20世纪销量最好的女性摇滚歌手。她是怎么变得如此深受欢迎的呢? 原因是,她不断根据市场需求,变换曲风和形象,特别是八、九十年代,麦当娜对潮流走势一直了如指掌。]

做明星确实得紧跟时尚潮流。不过爱美之心人皆有之,女孩子都喜欢去逛商店,或者看服装展,了解最新潮流动向。I keep my finger on the pulse of fashion through window shopping or watching fashion shows. 好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "Madonna has sold more than 300 million records worldwide. She's also recognized as the top-selling female rock artist of the 20th century. How did she become so immensely popular? She continuously reinvented her music and image based on what the public was looking for. Especially during the 1980s and 80s, Madonna always HAD HER FINGER ON THE PUILSE. "


M: "It's clear to me why our company is falling behind our competitors. We need to understand our younger customers. They're much more familiar with communications, media and digital technologies. If we want to be successful, we have to show that we HAVE OUR FINGER ON THE FULSE of modern life. "


他说得确实很对。像前一段时间柯达公司破产,就是因为如今很少有人需要冲洗相片了,让他们失去了顾客群。Companies need fresh ideas in order to keep their fingers on the pulse of the market. 公司不断需要有新观念,紧跟市场潮流。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: "It's clear to me why our company is falling behind our competitors. We need to understand our younger customers. They're much more familiar with communications, media and digital technologies. If we want to be successful, we have to show that we HAVE OUR FINGER ON THE FULSE of modern life. "

今天我们学习的习惯用语是have one's finger on the pulse, 意思是紧跟最新动态。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是Steve Baragona。

A: 让我也来造个句: I have my finger on the pulse of whatever is happening in the office. And I can tell Mike that you are stressed out!

B: What? How can you tell!!! I have so many things to do! I need to get up at 5 every day to come to work, I need to go to the gym to keep this awesome body of mine fit, I need to shop for food, do laundry, find health insurance....I'm worn out!!!

A: You know what? You should talk to me, after all the 'girl talk' sessions I've had with my friends, I'm basically a professional therapist. Maybe I can give you a discount...

B: Yeah, as if I would ever do that!

A: 哈哈哈,好了好了,今天Helen就听医生的话去看了看心理医生,咱们一起跟着她去看看!

Health: Advanced


Professor: Helen hasn't been feeling well lately, and in the last episode the doctor told her that the cause might be mental stress. So today she is going to talk to a therapist.


Helen: Thank you for seeing me, doctor. I've been having a lot of mental stress which I think may be affecting my physical health.

Therapist: Of course. Can you tell me a little bit about what has been upsetting you?

Helen: Well, I had a dog named Herman. He died a couple months ago and I've been feeling really down ever since .

Therapist: I see. Were you and Herman close?

Helen: We were the best of friends (sobbing). Whenever things weren't going well for me, I used to share all my problems with him. He was a great listener.


Professor: That's right, Winnie. Why does Helen say Herman was so great to talk to?


Therapist: Have there been problems in your life recently that you've needed to talk about with someone?

Helen: Yeah, so many problems. I've been really stressed out at work ever since my boss gave me a huge new project, and I've been going through a rocky period with my boyfriend.

Therapist: Does your stress level interfere with your work or home life?

Helen: Yeah, when I'm under a lot of pressure it's difficult for me to fall asleep, which makes me tired and unproductive at work the next day.

Therapist: Well, being under a lot of mental pressure like that can have an effect on the body.

Professor: So Winnie, what has been causing Helen so much stress lately?

她的老板交给她a big new project,一份规模很大的新项目,而且她和男友关系好像有问题,Professor Bowman, 她说正和男友go through a rocky period,这大概不是什么好事儿吧?

Professor: Winnie, you can call something "rocky" if it is difficult, or not going smoothly. In this case, Helen is saying her relationship with her boyfriend has been experiencing trouble lately.

我明白了,rocky就是困难重重的意思,我想到一个词, b-u-m-p-y, bumpy,意思一样吗?

Professor: Yes, they're the same.

唉,可怜的Helen, 有这么多烦心事。不知道心理治疗师有什么好建议。

Therapist: There are some things you can do to relieve your stress. First, you need someone to talk to about your feelings so that they don't get bottled up inside.

Helen: Hmm .... I guess you're right. Do you think I should get another dog?

Therapist: No, it's much better if you pay $200 per hour to talk to me once per week.

Helen: Oh .... but what if spending all that money causes me to worry about my bank account?

Therapist: Don't worry, if you start feeling even more stressed because of your finances, you can come in twice per week for more therapy.

Professor: Winnie, do you understand what the therapist means when he tells Helen not to bottle up her emotions inside?


Professor: That's right.

Professor, 我觉得这个心理治疗师帮不了Helen, 他一小时收200块钱,Helen 说这么大的花销会让自己有更大压力,可治疗师似乎盼的就是这个,这样Helen就需要看更多次医生,他就可以赚更多钱了!

Helen: I don't know, doctor. I think I really just need to blow off some steam every once in a while. I'm not sure I need all this therapy.

Therapist: In my professional opinion, Helen, you may be very ill. We need to discuss an integrated treatment plan, with therapy sessions and anti-depression medications.

Helen: Anti-depression medications? Now I'm sure I don't want all that.

Therapist: But Helen, this may be the only way to make you happy again.

Helen: Actually, now I know what will make me happy. A trip to the pet store!

Helen很聪明,治疗师让她多看病,还让她吃抗抑郁药,可Helen没上当! 她说,她只需要blow off some steam every once in a while - 时不时给自己减减压,就可以了!

Professor: Yes. I guess Helen, like everyone else, just needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes.

A: 原来,Helen最近压力很大,小狗死了,工作繁忙,而且going through a rocky period with her boyfriend, 跟男友的关系也不好。心理咨询师跟她说不能 bottle up her emotions, 积攒不良情绪,而且要她制定integrated treatment plan,综合治疗方案,而且还得take anti-depression medications, 吃抗抑郁的药物。这个心理医生怎么听起来像骗人的啊?

B: That treatment plan sounds a little drastic to me. I think Helen just need a shoulder to cry on.

A: Yeah, I don't take stress very well. 我记得有一次面试的时候,面试官问我受压能力怎么样,我本来就紧张,他一问我就更紧张了!

B: Well, I don't blame you. Not a lot of people have the ability to handle stress as well as me. That's why I'm the top dog! (A: ugh...) kidding kidding. Honestly though, nothing makes me more stressed than a Job interview, especially if it's an interview for a job that I really want!

A: 对呀! 在今天在Business Etiquette里, David就在接受他梦寐以求的求职面试,咱们一起来听听看!

礼节美语 - Job Interview - Part I

David Tang 到 PLAYERS 杂志社求职面试,考官是杂志社经理 Fred Dixon。

F: Hello Mr. Tang. Take a seat.

D: Thanks Mr. Dixon. Call me David, please.

F: Ok, David...call me Fred. How are you this morning?

D: Very well, thanks. Actually, I'm quite excited.

F: Oh?

D: I've been a big fan of PLAYERS Magazine for many years now. I love what you do here. I love the witty writing, the clever features and even the layout.

David 多年来一直是 Players 杂志的忠实读者,很欣赏杂志的 witty writing, clever features and even the layout. 风趣的文风,巧妙的特写,甚至是版面设计。

F: Nice of you to say. We've been working hard to try to keep the magazine as current and relevant as possible. So...I've looked over your resume. You're bilingual, right?

D: Yes. Actually, technically Chinese is my mother tongue...my parents immigrated to Canada when I was seven years old. Later on I went to school in the States and Europe as well.

F: Well, being bilingual is always a plus. We are thinking about expanding our operations and ━ of course -- China is a huge market. Anyway...let's see here...can you tell me why you think you'd be a good fit for our organization?

David 是双语 bilingual,中文是母语 mother tongue. Fred 承认, bilingual is always a plus. 双语当然更好。plus 在这儿是优势的意思。Fred 问 David 为什么觉得自己适合杂志社的工作。a good fit for the organization。David 说自己年轻、思维敏锐、精力充沛,and I'm always looking for that next big thing. 随时准备迎接新的时尚和潮流。

F: That's good. Ok...here's a question that might seem kind of off the wall. If you were a car...what kind of car would you be and why.

D: Hmmm...interesting question. I'd say I'd be one of those Japanese sports cars. Not too big...not too flashy on the outside, but lots of power under the hood. You're asking this to get a sense of my personality, right?

F: Yeah, that's the idea. So you're saying you are reliable and quietly powerful...is that it?

D: Yeah...that's a good way of putting it.

Fred 问 David 假如是一辆车的话,会是什么车?这个问题确实有些 "off the wall," 出人意料,不同寻常。David 说愿意是一辆日本跑车 sports car,不以大小和外表取人,但是马力十足 lots of power under the hood. Fred 理解为 David 是一个可靠而且 quietly powerful 不声不响、但干劲十足的人,David 回答说,That's a good way of putting it. 这话说不错。to put it 是表达的意思。面试还有哪些问题,我们下次继续听。

A: David has a talent for two languages, 双语人才,而且自己年轻,有冲劲, always looking for that next big thing. 随时准备迎接新的时尚和潮流。So Mike, what do you think is the most important thing when it comes to your dream job?

B: Well as you know, my dream job is to do nothing and still get paid.


B: Hahaha, ok ok. Let's be serious. I think for a good job you need to have a high level of satisfaction, freedom to implement your own methods, and meshing well with your team is extremely important because your work environment plays a major role as well.

A: Oh,You must be so thankful for your current job then!

B: And why is that?

A: Duh! Because you are working with me! (Mike tries to say something but Lin interrupts) 好了! 我们言归正传,接着去听听David的面试过程吧!

礼节美语 - Job Interview - Part II

David Tang 到 PLAYERS 杂志社求职面试,考官是杂志社经理 Fred Dixon。

F: Ok...what do you think are your biggest weaknesses?

D: Hmm...I'd say that my biggest weakness is a tendency to be a bit of a perfectionist. Sometimes I get too close to the project and need to step back to get the whole picture.

F: All right. How would you say you react under pressure?

D: I've had to make a lot of major adjustments in my life such as moving to a new country, learning a new language and making new friends. I'd say it was all quite stressful but I faced each challenge as it came and step-by-step things got better. For me I think the key is not to let things pile up but instead to face each problem as it comes and attack it head-on.

David 说自己最大的缺点是有点 perfectionist 万事追求完美。有时过份投入,get too close to something, 需要退一步纵观全局 to step back to get the whole picture. David 承受压力的能力也不差,他觉得关键是不能让问题积累起来,not to let things pile up 而是遇到一个解决一个,attack it head-on 迎头痛击。

F: Ok. So what would you say is the one thing that's most important to you in your job?

D: I'd say having good direction from my supervisors but also a high degree of freedom to implement creative ideas. I need guidance, but I don't want my creativity to be stifled.

F: Can you tell me why you left your last job?

D: Well, I needed a challenge. I felt like I was in a comfort zone and I needed to shake things up in my life. I enjoyed my time at my last job, but I feel like I'm ready for the major leagues.

David 说,他想换工作是因为感觉自己是在一个各方面都驾轻就熟的地方 I was in a comfort zone, 需要变化 to shake things up. 他觉得 I'm ready for the major leagues. 应该更上一层楼了。Major League 是职业棒球大联盟,代表棒球最高水平,高于 minor league 小联盟。

F: I noticed that you have recommendation letters from each of your previous supervisors. Their comments are all quite positive.

D: I'm honored that they value my work. I've found that I generally get along well with co-workers. I'm just not really into drama and I'm pretty easy-going.

F: Well...thanks for coming in today, David. We will be reviewing your info and you'll get a callback within a week.

D: Great! And thanks for your time, Fred. I'll be looking forward to your call.

David以前的上司都给他写了很好的推荐信。他说自己 not into drama 不喜欢惹事生非,pretty easy-going 很好相处。Fred 听上去对David很满意,说一周内给他回音。

B: Ok, I'll admit that you are easy-going, but apart from that...

A: At least I'm not a drama queen like certain people I know... Michael Scott Bond.

B: I see, so what do you call all that time you spend gossiping among that little gang of yours?