
中国时间 21:52 2024年10月25日 星期五

美语三级跳 004C讲 - 恋爱单元高级课程

004C 恋爱单元: 高级课程


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Professor: Kevin set up his friend Emily on a date with another one of his friends. Today Kevin and Emily are meeting to talk about how the date went last night.

Kevin: So how did your date with my friend Paul go last night? Don't you think he's a really great guy?

Emily: Unfortunately, Kevin, I can't tell you anything about Paul.

Kevin: Why not? You didn't like him? I was sure you guys would be a good match.

Emily: Actually, Paul stood me up!

Kevin: Paul stood you up? You mean he never came to the date?

Emily: Nope. I waited for a full hour and he never came.

啊?! "Stand someone up"不是指放别人鸽子么?这么说,Kevin的朋友Paul让Emily白等了一个小时,太过份了!

Professor: No doubt about it, Winnie. It would be bad enough if Emily and Paul didn't get along, but it's much worse that Paul didn't even show up for the date!


Professor: In the next section, listen for the phrase "go out for drinks," which means to go to a bar and drink alcohol.

Kevin: Really? Are you sure you were at the right place? Maybe you were confused about where to meet.

Emily: No. He suggested we go out for drinks at a bar downtown, and he gave me the address. I wrote it down on my calendar, so there's no way I was at the wrong place.

Kevin: Well, I guess Paul can be a flake sometimes. He says he's going to be somewhere, and then he either forgets about that appointment, or decides to do something else instead at the last minute.

Emily: I can't stand flaky people, so it probably wouldn't have worked out anyway.

Professor Bowman, Kevin说,Paul有时是个flake, 是什么意思?

Professor: Winnie, flake is a slang word to describe a person who is not reliable. Also, you can say someone is "flaky."


Professor: Yes, flaky people can be really annoying. In the next section, listen for the phrase "pick-up line" which is a set-phrase men use to introduce themselves to women they don't know.

Kevin: So what happened? You just sat at the bar by yourself?

Emily: Oh, it was terrible. I pretended I was writing text messages on my phone to look busy, but all these guys kept coming over and giving me these lame pick-up lines.

Kevin: Oh no, what kind of pick-up lines?

Emily: Oh you know, they would pretend that we had met before as an excuse to introduce themselves.

Emily真够倒霉的!很多男人过来跟她搭讪,而且他们的pick-up line搭讪的话,都很老套,比如假装以前在哪里见过。 现在谁还会相信这种话啊!

Professor: Winnie, In the next section, listen for the phrase "to blow someone off," which means to show that you are not interested in talking so that the person goes away.

噢,to blow someone off就是表现出没兴趣,好让别人走开。

Kevin: Wow, that sounds really awkward. What did you do?

Emily: Well, I kept trying to blow them off, but it didn't work. They just kept trying to talk to me and ask me out on dates.

Kevin: I guess men don't have that problem when they go to bars alone. Usually women don't try to hit on them like that.

Emily: Exactly. Sometimes I wish I were a guy so I could go to a bar and just enjoy my drink and not have anyone bother me.


Professor: Well, Winnie, you know, a lot of people would like to have Emily's problem.

Kevin: Well I'm sorry your blind date was such a disaster. How can I make it up to you?

Emily: Hmm... I know! I'm going to find the weirdest girl in the world and make you go on a date with her!

Oh no. 为了惩罚Kevin, Emily要找个世界上最奇怪的女孩,让 Kevin 跟她去约会。

Professor: So Winnie, the lesson of the story is...


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