
中国时间 21:52 2024年10月25日 星期五

美语三级跳 005B讲 - 大学生活 中级课程

005B 大学生活: 中级课程


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Professor: Eric wants to find out what clubs Patty is in. In this section, listen for the word "a cappella," which means singing without any instruments.

Eric: So Patty, tell me about what kind of clubs you like to do.

Patty: Well, I've always loved singing, but it's pretty hard to get into the singing clubs.

Eric: I know, they can be pretty competitive. But if they don't accept you, you should start an a cappella group! I'm sure lots of people would want to join.

Patty: Do you think it's hard to start a club?

Eric: I don't think it's very hard. You should talk to the student life officials. I think you just have to find a professor to sponsor you.

Patty: That's all? That's really easy. I think I'll do that.


Professor: That's right, Winnie. So what does Eric suggest that she do?

Eric建议她自己组织一个"A-cappella" club,也就是不用乐器伴奏,全靠清唱的阿卡贝拉合唱团。Professor Bowman,阿卡贝拉合唱团在美国大学里受欢迎么?

Professor: Yes, they're very popular. Now we're going to learn about what Eric does in his free time. Listen for the word "cramming," which means to study really hard.

Patty: What about you, Eric? What kind of clubs and activities do you do outside of class?

Eric: Personally, I don't have time for clubs.

Patty: Why not? Do you have to do a lot of cramming for the three English classes you take?

Eric: Actually, I'm not busy because I have to spend lots of time cramming. I'm busy because I have a part-time job.


Professor: In America, lots of students have part-time jobs to help pay for college.


Professor: Some students work on campus in places like the library. Others work off campus as waiters at restaurants.


Patty: What do you do for your part-time job?

Eric: I work at a restaurant bartending and serving food.

Patty: Oh cool! How do you like it?

Eric: I love it because all my hours are at night, so I can save my days for class and studying.

Patty: That's very convenient. Do you make a lot of money?

Eric: Yeah, the tips are great and I meet a lot of fun people.


Professor: Yes, but he must be very tired going to school all day and working all night. Did you hear how Eric is paid at the restaurant?

他说,他在酒吧挣很多tips - 小费。

Professor: Exactly. Now let's find out if Patty has a job.

Eric: What about you? Do you have a part-time job?

Patty: No, I got a scholarship, so I don't have to worry about working.

Eric: That's great. Does your scholarship pay for everything, including classes, housing and food?

Patty: That's right, thanks to my good grades in high school I got a full ride.

Patty真厉害,有scholarship奖学金,所以不用打工赚学费。Professor Bowman, 什么叫"full ride"呢?

Professor: Some scholarships only pay for part of college. But if your scholarship pays for everything, you can say it's a "full ride" scholarship.

哦,full ride就是全额奖学金,学杂费和生活费全包!Patty一定特别优秀。

Professor: Yes, she said she got good grades in high school.

Eric: Wow, I wish I had studied harder in high school so that I got a scholarship.

Patty: Well, there is one big problem. Since the scholarship pays for my meals, I have to eat the food in the dorms.

Eric: Oh right! The cafeteria food is terrible. But whenever you want a good meal, come to the restaurant I work at and you can eat for free.

Patty: Believe me, that is an offer that I will not refuse.

Patty和Eric都觉得学校食堂cafeteria的饭菜不好吃。 Professor Bowman, 在美国大学住学生宿舍好不好玩?

Professor: Let's tune in next time to find out.