OMG!美语 Scare Me to Death!!


今天我们一起来看看怎么用美语说“吓死我了”。Scare me to death 吓死我了 My flight flew in turbulence for half an hour. It scared me to death. I thought the plane would crash. 我坐的飞机在气流里飞了半个小时,真的要吓死我了。我以为飞机要掉下来了呢。scare me out of my mind 吓傻了 I hate the prank videos where a screaming ghost shows up out of nowhere. They always scare me out of my mind! 我讨厌那种会突然出现一个尖叫的鬼的恶作剧视频。它们总是会吓到我......