
  • 美国之音






1) 詹姆斯.格拉斯曼大使,乔治.W.布什研究所执行主任、前负责公共外交及公共事务的国务次卿

2) 保尔.赫斯特将军(退役),前美军太平洋司令部空军司令

3) 布鲁斯.班奈特博士,兰德公司资深国防分析家

4) 布鲁斯.克林纳,传统基金会东北亚问题资深研究员



Resourcing America's Long-Term Security Commitment to the Asia-Pacific

The end of combat operations in Iraq and the drawdown of forces in Afghanistan has refocused U.S. attention on the critically important Asia-Pacific region. The Obama Administration declared its Asia Pivot strategy will augment and strengthen America military forces to address growing Asian security threats. But how much will U.S. forces actually be augmented in Asia? To what degree will massive defense cuts and reductions in the overall U.S. military structure constrain America's global power projection and force sustainability capabilities?

Hosted by: Walter Lohman, Director, Asian
Studies Center, The Heritage Foundation

Keynote Remarks by:

The Honorable J. Randy Forbes (R-VA)
Chairman, House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee

Panel Discussion:
1) Ambassador James Glassman Executive Director, George W. Bush Institute and former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

2) General Paul Hester (ret.), USAF Former Commander, U.S. Pacific Air Forces

3) Dr. Bruce Bennett, Senior Defense Analyst, the RAND Corporation

4) Bruce Klingner, Senior Research Fellow, Northeast Asia, The Heritage Foundation

Date: Wednesday, Jun 27, 2012
Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Venue: The Heritage Foundation