
  • 美国之音



今天我们要学的词是 undo. Undo 动词,有取消,恢复原状的意思。Louisiana Governor-elect John Bel Edwards might undo the higher education funding cuts made by his predecessor. 路易斯安那州当选州长爱德华兹可能会撤销他前任对高等教育拨款的裁减。A New Hampshire couple who sought to undo their divorce were turned down by the court. 新罕布什尔州一对男女寻求撤销他们的离婚裁决,遭到法庭拒绝。In some states, divorced couples can request to undo their divorce within a certain time frame or under certain circumstances. 某些州允许前夫妻在规定时间范围内或是在特殊情况下申请撤销离婚判决。好的,我们今天学习的词是 undo, undo, undo...