学个词-2845-diagnose with

  • 美国之音



学个词-2845-diagnose with

今天我们要学的词组是diagnose with。Diagnose with,意思是确诊患有。The 61-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo has been released from prison on compassionate grounds after being diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. 61岁的诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波在被确诊罹患晚期肝癌后,办理了保外就医。 The Philippine Department of Health reported that in April 2017, 629 persons, most of whom are millennials, were diagnosed with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). 据菲律宾卫生部报告,2017年4月该国有629人被确诊感染艾滋病毒(人体免疫缺损病毒),其中大部分为千禧一代。好的,我们今天学习的词是diagnose with, diagnose with, diagnose with…