学个词 - glimmer

  • 美国之音



学个词 - glimmer

今天我们要学的词是 glimmer.

glimmer 的意思是微弱的亮光。 With U.S. and Chinese leaders set to meet on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Japan, there is a glimmer of hope that the trade war between the two super powers will end. 美中两国领导人将在日本举行的G20峰会期间举行会谈,让人们对这两个超级大国将结束贸易战抱有一线希望。

The first breakthrough device came from Apple, the one that came along well before iOS was a glimmer in Steve Jobs’ eye, was the iPod. 苹果公司的第一个突破性的小电器,就是在乔布斯专注于苹果操作系统iOS之前出现的iPod。