学个词 - perish

  • 美国之音



今天我们要学的词是 perish.

perish 的意思是毁灭,消亡,尤其是意外、突然的死亡。 More than 200 people have perished in east African floods and mudslides since the beginning of the rain season, which is far from over. 自非洲东部地区进入雨季以来,已有200多人在洪水和泥石流中丧生,而雨季还远未结束。

In the seven decades since October 1949, millions of Chinese have perished in ideological campaigns like the “Great Leap Forward” of the ’50s, and the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution” during which President Richard Nixon came to China. 自1949年10月以来,七十年里有数百万中国人在历次意识形态运动中丧生,例如50年代的“大跃进”和前总统尼克松访华时赶上的“无产阶级文化大革命”。