
中国时间 9:23 2024年7月27日 星期六

体育美语030讲 拳击 - Boxing



0:00 0:02:04 0:00
P: Oh oh, bored again. I got to find something exciting for you to do. What do you want to watch on TV?

Y: How about拳击比赛?

P: Boxing?

Oh, l ook at that. One of the boxers is really on the ropes.

Y: 那个拳击手被打得退到了角落,靠在绳子上on the ropes 。

P: Actually, Yang Chen, you can say that someone is "on the ropes" if he is in a bad situation or really close to losing. For example, Once the politician got caught taking bribes, he knew his campaign for re-election was on the ropes.

Y: 垂死挣扎, right?

P: Well, 没那么严重啦。It's more like陷入困境。Well, look. This guy is getting really pounded! If he keeps losing, his coach will have to throw in the towel.

Y: 对。应该给他扔块毛巾擦汗。

P: Actually, Yang Chen, when someone throws the towel into the ring, that means he accepts defeat in the match.

Y: Oh throw in the towel 就是认输。

P: Right. You can say that any time you give up on something.

Y: For example?

P: I asked Karen out on a date 10 times, but each time she said no, so eventually I threw in the towel.

Y: Hmm,你才被拒绝了10次, 就 threw in the towel。太没有毅力了。

P: OK, coach, tell me when should I throw in the towel?

Y: 至少要等她拒绝你100次。