
中国时间 2:16 2024年10月28日 星期一




穆斯林世界的各地西方使馆加强警戒,以防范美国某个鲜为人知的团体制作的影片《穆斯林的无知》(The Innocence of Muslims,又译《天真的穆斯林》)所引发的暴力。







**Muslims Protest Anti-Islam Film**

A low-budget film that Muslims say insults the Prophet Muhammad has prompted a wave of protests across various countries.

Western embassies across the Muslim world are on high alert for violence stemming from the film The Innocence of Muslims produced by an obscure group in the United States.

Indonesian protesters threw small gasoline bombs as they clashed with police Monday outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta. The Indonesian town of Medan also held a demonstration against the film.

Nearly 1,000 demonstrators staged a protest in Afghanistan's capital, shouting "death to America" as they burned cars and tires in Kabul near a U.S. military base.

On Sunday, hundreds of Pakistanis protesting the film clashed with police as they tried to march toward the U.S. consulate in the southern city of Karachi. And in Lahore, about 5,000 people protested against the film. Peaceful demonstrations were held in several other cities in Pakistan.

A small group of activists burned an American flag outside the U.S. embassy in the Turkish capital, Ankara, on Sunday.

The man allegedly behind the obscure, private film was questioned Saturday by U.S. authorities in California.




在中国采取这项行动的几个小时之前,有报道说,美国总统奥巴马要控诉中国政府为中国汽车工业 提供不当补贴。


俄亥俄州有许多汽车制造厂,也 是奥巴马和共和党总统候选人罗姆尼争夺选票的关键政治战场。


**US - China Trade Dispute Heats Up **

Trade disputes between the United States and China are heating up, as Washington complains about Chinese auto parts and Beijing files a complaint about a new U.S. tariff law.

Monday, China went to the World Trade Organization accusing the United States of unfairly raising tariffs on 30 products including tires and kitchen appliances.

Beijing's action comes just hours after news reports said U.S. President Barack Obama would file a trade complaint over allegedly improper government subsidies for China's auto industry.

Administration officials say Mr. Obama will announce the move during a campaign speech in the state of Ohio.

Ohio is home to many autoworkers, and is seen as a vital political battleground in the race between Mr. Obama and his Republican rival Mitt Romney for the presidency.

The Democrats and Republicans have been accusing each other of failing to protect U.S. jobs in dealings with China.