
中国时间 2:16 2024年10月28日 星期一







**World Bank Predicts Slowdown for Asian Economies**

The World Bank has issued a report predicting an economic growth slowdown in Asia this year.

Monday's report said economic grown in the Asia - Pacific region may slow down by a full percentage point, from 8.2 percent in 2011 to 7.2 percent this year, before recovering to 7.6 percent in 2013.

The new report also says that weak exports and lower investment growth will cut China's GDP growth from 9.3 percent in 2011 to 7.7 percent this year. However, the bank said it expects China's growth to rebound to 8.1 percent as the impact of stimulus measures kicks in.

The World Bank said policy makers in the East Asia and Pacific region will have to continue managing growth and reducing poverty in an environment that will remain volatile.







**Romney to Make First Major Foreign Policy Speech**

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney makes his first major campaign speech on foreign policy Monday.

Mr. Romney will speak to students at the Virginia Military Institute in the town of Lexington - the country's oldest military academy.

So far, he has focused mostly on the economy and his plans to repeal President Barack Obama's health care reforms. But he has criticized the president's Middle East policy, saying Mr. Obama is letting the United States be at the mercy of events rather than shaping them.

Mr. Romney wrote in The Wall Street Journal last month that events are moving the country away from being able to protect its people and allies.

President Obama is in California, where on Monday he will dedicate a monument to the late leader of the United Farm Workers union, Cesar Chavez. Later, he will attend a fundraising dinner in San Francisco.