
中国时间 2:16 2024年10月28日 星期一







Obama Aide Slams Romney's Tough Talk on China as 'Irresponsible'

A foreign policy adviser to President Barack Obama says Republican candidate Mitt Romney's pledge to label China a currency manipulator on his first day in office is irresponsible and risks upsetting U.S.-China relations.

At a debate Wednesday at Johns Hopkins University, Mr. Obama's former senior Asia policy aide Jeff Bader said it is "astonishing" Mr. Romney would take the step during Beijing's sensitive leadership transition, which begins two days after the November 6 election.

Bader, who serves on the president's re-election committee, said China's new Communist Party leaders will "not be in a passive mood for threats and being backed into corners." He said he guarantees they will "retaliate."

Romney campaign national security adviser Aaron Friedberg said the U.S. should not "be paralyzed" because of fears of sparking a trade war between the world's two largest economies. He insists the move would not "trigger Armageddon," arguing that "China is more dependent on the United States than we are on them."






Tokyo's Fiery Governor Quits to Form New Party

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, whose outspoken nationalism has often angered neighboring China, says he is resigning to form a new political party ahead of a general election.

Ishihara told a news conference Thursday he plans to run for parliament in the elections, which must be called by August. He was a parliamentarian for the Liberal Democratic Party before serving nearly 14 years as governor of Japan's largest city.

The 80-year-old novelist-turned-politician is known for his far-right political views, including his opposition to Japan's pacifist World War II-era constitution.

Earlier this year, he angered Beijing by threatening to buy and develop a group of islands claimed by both Japan and China. Analysts say the move forced Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to nationalize some of the islands, which led to a serious deterioration in China-Japan relations.