
中国时间 9:24 2024年7月27日 星期六

美语三级跳 014A讲 - “找工作” 单元初级课程

014A 找工作: 初级课程


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Denise: Hi Toby, how are you doing? You don't look very well.

Toby: Hey Denise. I'm just sad because I can't find a job.

Denise: Yeah, it's hard to find a job right now. You need to have a really great resume

Toby: That's the problem. I don't have a resume yet!

Denise: Really? Well that's OK. I'll help you make one.

原来,Toby 目前最大的障碍是没有一份出色的resume, 简历!

Professor: Yes, Winnie, without a resume he can't find a job. That's why he said he's upset.


Denise: First I need you to tell me what kind of experience you have.

Toby: Well I just graduated from college, so I don't have much work experience.

Denise: Did you have any part-time jobs in college?

Toby: Well, I worked at the campus book store one day per week.

Denise: Great! You can say you have lots of sales experience.

Professor: So Winnie, how does Toby describe his work experience?

他说,自己刚刚大学毕业,没什么工作经验。不过他以前曾经在学校书店有个part-time job,打过零工,一个礼拜上一天班。

Professor: Exactly. Students have to study a lot, so usually they don't have time for full-time jobs.


Prof: And what's that?

一个字...吹! 写简历的时候最忌讳谦虚。虽然Toby一个礼拜只上一天班,可Denise却让他在简历中写自己有"extensive experience in sales," - 丰富的销售经验!

Denise: So Toby, can you tell me exactly what you did at the book store?

Toby: There wasn't much work for me to do, so I just played on the Internet all day.

Denise: Oh! So you have strong computer skills! What else did you do?

Toby: Hmm .... I also talked with my co-workers a lot.

Denise: Great! Strong communication and people skills!

Professor: So Winnie, did you hear what Toby did at his job?


Professor: Right. But I'm not sure he should put that on his resume

这个您就别担心啦! 没听Denise说么,在网上瞎逛代表"good computer skills" - 擅长使用电脑。唉,这牛吹的!

Professor: I agree. What else did Toby do at his job?

他还老跟同事聊天。不过到Denise嘴里,这也成了优点,叫 good communication and people skills - 良好的沟通和人际交往能力! 我看等这份简历写出来,连Toby自己都不敢相信自己竟然真的这么出色!

Denise: Alright, now tell me about your educational experience.

Toby: I majored in English.

Denise: Well ... did you learn anything about business when you were at college?

Toby: Hmm .... well when I graduated, I sold some of my old books to a friend.

Denise: Perfect! You have done some sales and have experience in customer service.

Toby: Wow! I never realized I had so much work experience!


Professor: That's true. But did he learn about business in another way?

我可不觉得!不过,Denise真是很会扯,她听说Toby在毕业的时候把几本旧书卖给了朋友,就说他有sales and customer service experience - 销售和客户服务经验!

Professor: Well do you think this resume will help Toby get some interviews?
