
**尼日利亚首都公车站爆炸 恐怕造成惨重伤亡**








Many Feared Dead After Explosion in Nigerian Capital

An explosion has hit a bus station in Nigeria's capital with many people feared dead.

The blast Monday in Abuja happened as people were traveling to work.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

The Islamist militant group Boko Haram often carries out attacks in its attempt to create a strict Islamic state in the northern part of Nigeria.

Last week, suspected Islamists killed at least 60 people on an attack in Borno State.

Boko Haram has been blamed for thousands of deaths since launching an insurgency against the government in 2009.

Amnesty International said two weeks ago that 1,500 people have died in Boko Haram-related violence this year alone.

**堪萨斯州犹太社区发生枪击案 三人死亡**






Gunman Kills 3 at US Jewish Centers

Authorities in the central U.S. state of Kansas have identified a longtime white supremacist as the suspect in the killing of three people Sunday outside a Jewish community center and a Jewish retirement center.

Frazier Glenn Cross is due to appear in court Monday on charges of premeditated murder.

Police say 73-year-old Cross used a shotgun to kill a man and a teenage boy in the parking lot of the community center in the Kansas City suburb of Overland Park, Kansas. They say he then drove to the nearby retirement community and killed a woman before being arrested at an elementary school.

Police Chief John Douglass said Sunday it was too early to label it a hate crime.

President Barack Obama said the shooting was "horrific" and "heartbreaking," and expressed his support and that of his wife, Michelle, for the victims' families.