





**Twenty-four Years Later, Aung San Suu Kyi Returns to Britain**

Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi continues her whirlwind European tour Tuesday in Britain, where she will reunite with family after leaving the country nearly a quarter century ago.

The Nobel laureate, who turns 67 on Tuesday, will participate in a panel discussion at the London School of Economics before attending a family reunion in Oxford.

Later in the week, Aung San Suu Kyi will address both houses of parliament in London - a rare honor usually given only to high-profile foreign dignitaries.

She lived and studied for years in Britain before returning to her homeland in 1988 to care for her ailing mother. She eventually became the leader of Burma's pro-democracy movement and spent much of the next two decades in detention under the country's harsh former military rulers.






**Security Council Urges Immediate Action on Sudan, South Sudan Peace Plan**

The United Nations Security Council has welcomed the resumption of negotiations between Sudan and South Sudan, but says the two sides must immediately work to implement a peace plan crafted by the African Union.

In a statement Monday, China's ambassador to the U.N. and current Security Council President Li Baodong said the countries have made progress in meeting the requirements of a March Security Council resolution, and he noted a reduction in border violence.

He said Council members stressed the urgency of immediately establishing border security mechanisms and said a demilitarized border zone "shall be established."

The two countries have failed to agree on a map for the demilitarized zone. The African Union says this "critical question" will be part of the agenda when negotiators resume discussions Thursday in Ethiopia.