





**Isaac Weakens Again**

U.S. weather forecasters have downgraded Tropical Storm Isaac to a depression but warn the danger to the southern United States from the system is not over.

The National Hurricane Center says the slow-moving Isaac weakened over northern Louisiana Thursday. The system is expected to produce more rain as it moves toward the north. Forecasters say isolated parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas could get as much as 63 centimeters of rain through Friday.

The hurricane center warned there could still be more flooding across southeastern Louisiana and Mississippi and that tornadoes are possible.

Forecasters are now keeping a close watch on another tropical Storm Kirk.







** Romney Vows to Restore 'Promise of America'**

U. S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has accepted his party's nomination, pledging to "restore the promise of America."

Mr. Romney addressed the Republican National Convention and millions of Americans watching on television late Thursday. He said he wished U.S. President Barack Obama had succeeded, because he wants the U.S. to succeed. But, Mr. Romney said, the president's promises instead "gave way to disappointment and division," and Americans "deserve better."

Mr. Romney said that if elected president, he will use a five-step plan to grow the economy and create 12 million jobs.

Mr. Romney also promised "less flexibility and more backbone" in global diplomacy, along with "more loyalty" to U.S. allies such as Israel.

The presidential candidate even appealed to women voters by praising the Republican female leaders in attendance and by pointing out that, as governor, he had a woman as lieutenant governor, a woman chief of staff and women in half of his senior posts.