





China's Tiananmen Mothers Denounce Lack of Reforms

A group of families has denounced Chinese President Xi Jinping for failing to launch political reforms, saying he is taking China "backwards towards Maoist orthodoxy."

In an open letter published Friday on the Internet site of the New York-based group, Human Rights in China, the Tiananmen Mothers activist group demanded that the Chinese leadership open a dialogue and reassess the June 4,1989, crackdown at Tiananmen Square in Beijing that killed up to 3,000 protesters.

The group has repeatedly called for China to publish a full list of the names of those who died, and to compensate relatives.

The latest letter says Chinese society is "permeated with a general sense of despair" and that none of China's recent leaders has been a real reformer, including Xi Jinping who was installed as president this year.








Burma, Kachin Reach Tentative Cease-Fire

Burma's government and ethnic Kachin rebels have reached a tentative cease-fire aimed at ending two years of fighting that has displaced nearly 100,000 people.

Under the agreement, reached Thursday after three days of talks, fighting will stop and further talks will be held on Kachin demands for more political rights and greater autonomy.

The talks, in northern Burma, were monitored by representatives of the United Nations, Chinese government and Burmese ethnic minorities. Chinese diplomat Lu Zhi told VOA's Burmese service that China had assisted the negotiations at the request of both sides.