





**Sweltering Temperatures Prompt Heat Advisory across China**

A record heat wave across much of China has claimed several lives and prompted Chinese authorities to issue an emergency heat advisory.

The state-run Xinhua news agency says local officials reported over 10 deaths from heatstroke in Shanghai, which has seen nine straight days of temperatures over 38 degrees Celsius. Officials say this is Shanghai's hottest July in 140 years.

For the first time ever, the China Meteorological Administration has issued a level two emergency response, warning citizens to cut down on outdoor activity and make sure they have access to air conditioning inside.

The heat advisory covers nine provinces throughout south and central China, including Shanghai, Chongqing, and Hunan.

Conditions are not expected to improve soon, with forecasters warning that some areas south of the Yangtze River could see temperatures lingering above 35 degrees for another week.







**Cambodia Opposition Claims Win in Sunday Election**

Cambodia's opposition is claiming victory in Sunday's parliamentary election, stepping up its rejection of the results of a vote it says was marred by fraud.

The Cambodia National Rescue Party ((CNRP)) said Wednesday its own polling data shows it won at least 63 parliamentary seats, compared to just 60 seats for the ruling Cambodian People's Party ((CPP)).

The government's preliminary figures released Sunday showed the CCP winning 68 seats - a significantly reduced majority from last election - but enough to return longtime Prime Minister Hun Sen to power.

The CNRP, led by opposition leader Sam Rainsy, gathered Wednesday to collect evidence of alleged irregularities, as accusations of fraud continue to pour in from international observers.

Rainsy says he hopes the evidence can bolster the party's call for a United Nations-backed investigation into what he says is widespread electoral fraud.