







Japan Summons China Envoy over Island Dispute

Japan has summoned a China envoy to protest an unusually long visit by Chinese government ships near disputed waters in the East China Sea.

Tokyo's foreign ministry says the four ships entered the Japan-controlled territory on Wednesday. It says they had still not left 24 hours later.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga says acting ambassador Han Zhiqiang has been summoned to "sharply protest" the move.

The decades-old dispute flared up late last year, after Tokyo purchased some of the contested islands from their private Japanese landowner.

Since then, Beijing has sent regular air and sea patrols near the islands, in what some say is an attempt to challenge Japan's control of the energy-rich, strategic area.

This has led to fears of an unintended military clash and has raised tensions considerably between the two countries.


数千名被罢免的穆尔西总统的支持者不顾政府勒令其解散, 星期四在开罗的抗议营地聚会祈祷,庆祝开斋节。






Morsi Backers Defy Egyptian Leaders, Continue Protests

Thousands of Egyptians supporting ousted President Mohamed Morsi have gathered in Cairo, praying and celebrating Eid al-Fitr at protest camps despite government warnings to vacate the sites.

Opponents of Mr. Morsi also gathered Thursday in Cairo's Tahrir Square, a day after interim President Adly Mansour said efforts by international envoys to bridge Egypt's political divide had failed.

Mr. Mansour blamed Mr. Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood for the failure.

The United States and European Union voiced their concerns, saying the political divide has created a fragile situation that could spark more bloodshed.

In a joint statement late Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the two sides must break a "dangerous stalemate" and implement "tangible confidence building measures."

The diplomats said Egypt's government bears a special responsibility to begin a reconciliation process.