
**因传澳大利亚监听 印尼召回驻澳大使**





Indonesia Recalls Ambassador to Australia Amid Spying Claims

Indonesia has recalled its ambassador to Australia after claims that Australian spy agencies tried to listen to phone conversations of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said Monday that the envoy is being called back to Jakarta for "consultations" after secret documents leaked by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden named the president, his wife and senior ministers as targets of the surveillance.

The minister called the situation, "an unfriendly, unbecoming act between strategic partners."

The recall comes amid already heightened diplomatic tensions over claims that the Australian and U.S. embassies in Jakarta were involved in general spying on Indonesia.





Gunmen Kill Egyptian Security Official

Gunmen have killed an Egyptian national security official who was in charge of monitoring the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

Officials say the gunmen shot Mohamed Mabruk seven times late Sunday outside his home in eastern Cairo.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack.

Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi condemned the shooting Monday, saying the government will not tolerate criminal and terrorist acts.

The shooting comes days after Egypt ended a three-month curfew and state of emergency, which the government imposed during a bloody crackdown against the Brotherhood and supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi.