
**曼德拉追悼会手语翻译乱比划 自称精神分裂**


这位男子名叫塞姆桑加•扬蒂洁(Thamsanqa Jantjie)。他星期四对约翰内斯堡《明星报》说, 在星期二的追悼仪式上,他听到异常声音,产生幻觉,这影响了他对美国总统奥巴马等领导人讲话的手语翻译。






Mandela Memorial Interpreter Blames Schizophrenia for Sign Language Failure

The sign language interpreter criticized by organizations for the deaf as giving "meaningless" signs during the memorial service for Nelson Mandela has blamed a schizophrenic episode for his performance.

Thamsanqa Jantjie told a Johannesburg newspaper, The Star, that he heard voices and hallucinated during Tuesday's service, which affected his ability to interpret the speeches by leaders such as U.S. President Barack Obama.

He said he was sorry, and that there was nothing he could do. He also told South Africa's Radio 702 on Thursday that he was happy with his work.

"Absolutely, what I've been doing, I think that I've been a champion of sign language as I've been saying that. You know, I've interpreted many big events, not only the event in question now."

South Africa's Deputy Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu said that the interpreter became overwhelmed and did not use normal signs.

She said Thursday there was a "clear indication" that the company that hired him has for years provided substandard services.

She also apologized to the deaf community, and said the issue highlights the challenges that deaf people around the world face every day in trying to communicate.








Ashton: Ukraine “Intends to Sign” Agreement with EU

European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton says Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovic "intends to sign" a trade and cooperation agreement with the EU that he rejected last month, setting off massive anti-government protests.

Ashton spoke to reporters in Brussels Thursday, after holding talks with Mr. Yanukovich in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. She said it is clear that the short-term economic and financial issues Ukraine faces can be alleviated by signing the association agreement, bringing in fresh investment from EU nations.

"Look, Yanukovych made it clear to me that he intends to sign the association agreement. What he talked about were the short-term economic issues that the country faces. And it is my view that those challenges, which are real, can be addressed by the support that not only comes from the European Union institutions, but actually by showing that he has a serious economic plan in signing the association agreement also will help to bring in the kind of investment that he needs."

Meanwhile, anti-government protests continue, with demonstrators calling for closer ties with the European Union.

After riot police converged on thousands of protesters in Kyiv's Independence Square Wednesday, the United States denounced the police actions and said it is considering its response, including possible sanctions.

Opposition leaders in Kyiv have rejected a call by President Yanukovych for talks aimed at ending the protests against his recent move to step back from the EU trade deal, in favor of boosting ties with Russia.