







Underwater Search for MH370 Black Box Begins

Crews in the remote southern Indian Ocean have begun the underwater hunt for the missing Malaysian jetliner's flight data recorder, which is set to run out of battery power in just a few days.

Retired Australian Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston said Friday a U.S. Navy towed pinger locator is being dragged across a 240-kilometer track to try to detect a signal from the black box.

Authorities estimate they have only until around Monday before the batteries run out on the black box's locator beacon, which transmits electronic signals, or pings.

That date marks 30 days since the Boeing 777 mysteriously vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. A massive, multinational search effort has turned up no traces of the jet.

On Friday, an expanded team of 14 airplanes and nine ships continued their so far fruitless mission of looking for possible signs of wreckage floating on the ocean surface.

Houston, who is heading up the Australian agency coordinating the search, said crews have not given up hope of finding some debris floating on the water.

**乌克兰:亚努科维奇在俄罗斯帮助下命令枪杀抗议者 **




乌克兰国家安全局局长纳里瓦伊琴科称,有证据显示俄罗斯特工 “参与计划并实施了” 2月18日到20日在乌克兰首都造成人员伤亡的行动。

Ukraine: Protesters Shot Under Yanukovych's Orders with Russian Help

Ukrainian officials are blaming Russian agents and the country's ousted pro-Russian president for two days of bloodshed earlier this year at the height of anti-government protests that claimed more than 100 lives. Authorities say many of the dead were killed by sniper fire.

The mystery of the Kyiv protesters' deaths in February has fueled talk of conspiracies. Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested the demonstrators themselves were the gunmen, acting to discredit the government of then-president Viktor Yanukovych.

On Thursday, acting Interior Minister Arsen Avakov linked special police from its Ministry of Internal Affairs, acting under orders of Mr. Yanukovych, to the killing of at least 17 protesters. He said 12 "Berkut" police have been identified and that authorities have begun arresting them.

For his part, Ukraine's security service chief ((Valentyn Nalyvaychenko)) said evidence shows Russian agents were involved in "the planning and implementation" of the deadly February 18-20.