
**飓风袭击印度东部 8人死亡**





Cyclone Kills 8 in Eastern India

Relief crews are working across eastern India after a powerful cyclone brought heavy rain and wind to the region and left at least eight people dead.

The remnants of Cyclone Hudhud continued dropping rain on inland areas Monday, a day after making landfall at the port city of Visakhapatnam with winds up to 195 kilometers per hour.

The storm knocked down trees and power lines and ripped the roofs off homes in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa states where authorities evacuated nearly 400,000 people ahead of the storm.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is due to visit the area Tuesday.

**台风黄蜂袭击日本 造成暴雨**






Vongfong Brings Heavy Rain to Mainland Japan

Heavy rain has spread to Japan's main islands as a storm that first hit as powerful Typhoon Vongfong continued its path across the country.

Japan's Meteorological Agency said Vongfong still had winds of up to 160 kilometers per hour Monday after being downgraded to a tropical storm. Forecasters expect it to hit the Tokyo area by early Tuesday. More than 500 flights have been canceled.

The storm peaked with winds of 234 kilometers per hour Saturday, and has damaged homes and caused transportation delays as it crossed over Japan's southern Islands.

It has injured at least 56 people and authorities have urged 450,000 people to evacuate.

Vongfong is the second typhoon to hit Japan in the past week, after Typhoon Phanfone killed seven people, including three U.S. servicemen.