双语新闻 (2015年8月6日)

  • 美国之音






Former Argentine President Menem on trial

Former Argentine President Carlos Menem and 12 other people are going on trial Thursday for allegedly conspiring to derail the investigation into the deadly 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center.

Prosecutors allege that Mr. Menem and his co-defendants, including his former intelligence chief and a former federal judge, tried to steer prosecutors from linking the bombing of the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association building to a Syrian-born man, Alberto Kanoore Edul, who was suspected of taking part in the attack.

The 85-year-old Menem, who became Argentine president in 1989 and served a decade, is of Syrian descent. Currently serving as a senator in the Argentine legislature, Mr. Menem has denied the charges.

No one has ever been arrested or tried for the July 18, 1994 attack in the capital, Buenos Aires, which left 85 people dead.






Historic US Voting Rights Act Turns 50

Thursday marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the landmark U.S. Voting Rights Act, which provided federal protections for African Americans who sought to exercise their right to vote.

The August 6, 1965 signing of the bill by President Lyndon B. Johnson outlawed legal barriers erected by several states that effectively barred African Americans from the voting booth, despite them being granted those rights

under the 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Many of those states were located in the southern United States, which had a long history of racial discrimination dating back to region's era of slavery.

Passage of the Voting Rights Act came after police brutally attacked demonstrators who had begun a peaceful voting rights march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama in March of that year. The incident sparked a national outcry, leading to a historic speech by President Johnson before a joint session of Congress urging passage of the law.

The Voting Rights Act is considered to be the most effective piece of civil rights legislation ever enacted in the United States. It marked the high point of the decade-long Civil Rights Movement, when African Americans publicly demonstrated to bring an end to official racial discrimination and segregation in all aspects of U.S. society.