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The man who killed 84 people in the Bastille Day attack in the French seaside city of Nice had expressed his interest in radical Islam, according to the Paris prosecutor.

Francois Molins, who oversees terrorism investigations, said Monday slain attacker Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel had showed support for the Islamic State group and searched online for information about the Orlando attack on a gay nightclub.

Molis says Bouhlel also made reconnaissance visits to the beachfront where he used a rented truck to run down dozens of people on Nice's main promenade.

On Monday, silent tributes were held across France in honor of the victims of the July 14 attack.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls was booed as he joined thousands in Nice for a moment of silence.

梅拉尼亚共和党大会讲话 称赞丈夫川普是了不起的领袖






Melania Trump Praises Husband as 'Amazing Leader' in Republican Convention Speech

The Republican National Convention moves Tuesday to a focus on the economy, a day after Melania Trump told a prime time audience her husband Donald is "an amazing leader" and the only one who can deliver change for the United States.

Tuesday's speakers in Cleveland, Ohio include some of the party's most prominent figures, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and former presidential candidates Chris Christie and Ben Carson.

"If you want someone to fight for you and your country, I can assure you he's the guy," Melania Trump said.

The Slovenian immigrant has been largely unseen during the presidential campaign and used part of the address to tell her personal story.

But her speech prompted questions about its origins after journalists noted striking similarities in one passage to an address Michelle Obama gave at the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

There was no immediate comment from the Trump campaign about the similarities.