







Turkish Admiral Disappears into US, Reportedly Seeking Asylum

A Turkish admiral posted in the United States has disappeared and is reportedly seeking asylum after being sought by Turkish authorities to return home and participate in legal proceedings following charges of military espionage.

Turkish Navy Rear Admiral Mustafa Ugurlu, posted at NATO's Allied Command Transformation headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, is reported to have turned in his identification papers and disappeared on July 22.

Ugurlu was ordered home by Turkish authorities last month after an attempted coup July 15.

A Turkish official told Reuters news agency that two other officers stationed in the U.S. were called back to Turkey after the coup attempt, but neither of them was ordered into detention.

A U.S. Navy official told reporters more than 100 Turkish military personnel are in the United States – some at the NATO base and some taking part in exchanges at U.S. military institutions. Ugurlu was among hundreds of Turkish military officers released from their duties July 22.

U.S. agencies such as the State Department, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and Department of Homeland Security have not yet commented on Ugurlu's case.

NATO has referred reporters to the Turkish government for information about Ugurlu.






Pro-government Forces in Libya Claim Control of IS Headquarters

Pro-government forces in Libya say they have taken control of Islamic State's headquarters in the city of Sirte. The statement was issued by forces loyal to Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA).

The U.S. has been carrying out airstrikes aimed at pushing IS out of Sirte, a key coastal city that has served as a base for the terror group’s operations.

U.S officials on Wednesday stressed that U.S.troops are not engaged in any direct fighting on the ground.

Pentagon Press Secretary Gordon Trowbridge said, "our mission in Libya is focused solely on conducting air strikes at the request and in support of forces aligned with Libya's Government of National Accord. We are providing unique capabilities - notably intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and precision strikes - that will help enable GNA-aligned forces to make a decisive, strategic advance."