
  • 美国之音

肯尼迪总统1963年11月22号遇刺之前的时刻 - 资料照片

川普以国家安全为由 宣布暂缓解密数百份肯尼迪遇刺文件






Trump Delays Release of Hundreds of JFK Assassination Files, Citing National Security

Hours before a legal deadline for the release of all documents relating to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, President Donald Trump has ordered that hundreds of the files will remain secret, at least temporarily.

A day after tweeting that the “long anticipated release of the JFK files documents” would be released, Trump issued a memo to federal agency heads saying, “I am ordering today that the veil finally be lifted.”

At the same time, he wrote that he “had no choice – today – (but) to accept redactions” recommended by some departments in the interest of national security.

A White House official said most of the recommendations had come from two agencies; the FBI and the CIA.

The files were released Thursday, shortly after 8 p.m. EDT (0000 UTC Friday).











Three U.S. Aircraft Carriers Appear in the Pacific at the Same Time in Ten Years

The United States appears to be flexing its military might in the Pacific, sending three aircraft carriers to the region for potential exercises.

Pentagon officials Thursday downplayed the deployment of the USS Nimitz, the USS Ronald Reagan and the USS Theodore Roosevelt to the region, saying it had been planned “for quite a while.”

“It’s just an opportunity to exercise three carrier strike groups together,” said Lt. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, director of the Joint Staff. “We always seek to do that when we have an opportunity to do that – it doesn’t come along very often.”

Officials also said the deployments were not directed at recent provocations by North Korea, but would likely bolster U.S. allies in the region.

The three carrier groups are still thousands of miles apart, and military officials did not share any details of when exercises might begin.

North Korea has repeatedly threatened to test both its missile and nuclear warhead capabilities.

Last month, an official said Pyongyang could test "the most powerful detonation" of a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean.

"North Korea makes a lot of threats and we are ready for anything that may come," Chief Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White told reporters Thursday, adding, “we haven't, to my knowledge, changed any of our status or our posture."

The last time the U.S. had three carrier strike groups in the Pacific Ocean was 2007.