
  • 美国之音








Twitter Says Accounts of World Leaders Have Special Status

Social media giant Twitter has reiterated its stance that accounts belonging to world leaders have special status, pushing back against calls from some users for the company to ban U.S. President Donald Trump.

In a blog post Friday, Twitter said it would not block the accounts of world leaders even if their statements are “controversial” because of a need to promote discussions about public policy.

It said such a move would also not silence a world leader, but it “would certainly hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions."

The company has previously said that it considers whether a post is newsworthy and of public interest before deciding whether or not to remove a tweet.

Last month, Twitter began enforcing new rules to remove “hateful” content on the network, including posts that promote violence.








Navy Locates Downed Aircraft in Philippine Sea

The U.S. Navy says it has located a transport plane that crashed in November into the Philippine Sea, killing three sailors.

The C-2A Greyhound aircraft plummeted into the sea while it was on a routine mission the day before Thanksgiving, taking passengers and cargo from a U.S. base in Japan to the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.

Deep water salvage experts were deployed to the crash site last month. The Navy said in a statement that the team was able to locate the aircraft's emergency pinger.

The C-2A aircraft rests at a depth of about 18,500 feet, and the Navy said this makes the salvage phase of the operation "the deepest recovery attempt of an aircraft to date."

The Navy said the team will return to the crash site in the coming weeks to map the debris field and attach heavy lines for lifting the aircraft to the surface. "Every effort will be made to recover the aircraft and our fallen Sailors," the Navy said.

The cause of the crash is under investigation.