
中国时间 20:26 2024年5月8日 星期三

OMG!美语 We Love Our Grandmas!

OMG!美语 We Love Our Grandmas!


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Grandmother 奶奶,外婆, 这是最正式的称呼 Look! This is a picture of my Grandmother when she was my age. 看看!这张照片是我的奶奶像我这么大的时候。 grandma 奶奶,外婆, 这是最常用的昵称 I'm going to call my grandma. 我要给外婆打电话。 Hi grandma! It's 白洁!How are you? 外婆,你好!我是白洁!你最近怎么样啊? Hi 白洁!I'm just watching the baseball game. 白洁! 你好!我现在在看棒球赛! gramma 奶奶,外婆 What are you doing for Christmas? 你圣诞节有什么计划? My family is gathering for a big Christmas dinner at my gramma's house! 我们一家人都到奶奶家去,一起吃圣诞节大餐! grams 奶奶,外婆 Grams, you make the best cookies in the world! 外婆,你做的饼干是世界上最好吃的! mee-maw 奶奶,外婆 My grandma passed away. I always called her Mee-maw. I'd like to thank all of the OMG fans who sent in beautiful pictures of you and your Mee-maws! Let's take a look at some more. 我的奶奶去世了。我叫她Mee-maw. 我想感谢所有OMG美语粉丝们!你们发给我你和你的Mee-maw的照片!我们一起来看看你的照片!