
中国时间 9:19 2024年7月27日 星期六










*Panetta: Syria No-Fly Zone Possible*

U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says he is confident the United States could enforce a no-fly zone over Syria, but that a "major decision" needed to authorize such a mission has not been made.

Panetta told the Associated Press the United States has planned for a number of possible events in Syria. He says a no-fly zone is difficult to implement, and is not a top priority.

Meanwhile, foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation are holding a summit in Mecca Tuesday, after agreeing to recommend suspending Syria from the group.

The move by the 57-member OIC could lead to a diplomatic dispute during the summit between Syrian ally Iran and pro-opposition Saudi Arabia.

Also Tuesday, the United Nations humanitarian chief begins a three-day visit to Syria and Lebanon to discuss ways to urgently boost relief efforts to civilians caught up in the conflict.

Syrian rebels on Monday circulated video of what they claim is the downing of a Syrian plane and the captured pilot. The rebel video cannot be independently verified.

State media say a pilot ejected Monday after suffering technical problems during a "routine training mission" in eastern Syria, and that authorities are searching for him.






* Nigerian Militant Group Claims Talks With Government *

A purported spokesman for the Nigerian militant group Boko Haram says the group is engaged in direct talks with the government on ending violence in the country's north.

In a statement obtained by VOA , Habu Mohammed, who claims to be a deputy to Boko Haram leader Shekau, says the militant group decided to initiate the peace moves in response to numerous public appeals for peace in the country. The statement was given to VOA in Mecca.

The Nigerian government has not responded to the claim, but senior Nigerian officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed the talks to VOA. They would not provide additional details.

The Islamic militant group has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in Nigeria, including church bombings and the bombing of a United Nations building. The group has threatened international media organizations, including VOA service.