
中国时间 9:22 2024年7月27日 星期六


**克林顿 表示美国正采取大胆措施保护外交人员**





** Clinton Says US Taking Aggressive Steps to Protect Diplomats**

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the United States is taking aggressive steps to protect diplomats worldwide, as protests against an anti-Islam film produced in the United States spread.

Clinton said Tuesday that officials are reviewing security at every post and adding to it when necessary.

The secretary said the State Department had no actionable intelligence that last week's attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was planned or imminent. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other diplomats were killed. Clinton said the Libyan government is helping American investigators and that the United States will not rest until those behind the attack are found and punished.

Protests against the anti-Islam film spread to Thailand, northwest Pakistan and Indian-controlled Kashmir Tuesday. Al-Qaida's North Africa branch threatened to attack U.S. diplomats in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, and Mauritania.











** Panetta Meets With China's Leader-in-Waiting**

China's leader-in-waiting Xi Jinping has met with U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, in the first public meeting with a visiting foreign dignitary since his mysterious disappearance from public life.

Xi appeared healthy and relaxed as he shook hands with Panetta and posed for photographs in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Wednesday.

The 59-year-old had not been seen in public for two weeks before re-emerging Saturday. The unexplained absence, which came just weeks before a sensitive political transition, led to speculation about Xi's health.

On Wednesday, a smiling and energetic Xi said he hoped Panetta's visit will help advance "state-to-state and military-to-military" ties between Washington and Beijing.

Panetta, who is on a week-long tour of Asia, told Xi he looked forward to promoting security ties and improving dialogue between the two "great Pacific nations."

During Tuesday meetings with his Chinese counterpart, Panetta said greater military ties are key to avoiding confrontation between Washington and Beijing, who have grown suspicious of each other's expanding roles in the Asia-Pacific.

The Pentagon chief's visit comes as China and Japan, an American ally, are involved in a bitter territorial dispute about a group of islands in the East China Sea. Panetta urged both sides to exercise restraint and repeated Washington's insistence that it does not take sides in the dispute.

But an article in the Communist Party-controlled Global Times on Wednesday says it is "obvious" that Washington is partial to Japan. The newspaper, which often reflects official thinking, says Beijing should use Panetta's visit to let the United States know it will take all necessary steps to safeguard the islands, known in Chinese as Diaoyu and in Japanese as Senkaku.

Boisterous anti-Japan protests that spread across China on Tuesday were also partly focused on the United States. The U.S. State Department issued a statement that a car carrying U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke was mildly damaged after about 50 protesters surrounded it outside the U.S. embassy in Beijing. The statement says the ambassador was not hurt and the protesters were dispersed by Chinese security personnel.