
中国时间 9:11 2024年7月27日 星期六







**Election Tuesday; US Presidential Race Still Close**

U.S. President Barack Obama and his opponent, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney are essentially tied in national polls as the presidential campaign enters its last days before Tuesday's election.

The president holds a slight edge in the political battleground states crucial to gaining the 270 electoral votes needed to win.

Both President Obama and Mr. Romney stopped Friday in the key state of Ohio on a day the government reported the jobless rate had risen a tenth of a point to 7.9 percent, but also added 171,000 jobs, beating expectations.

Each candidate had a different take on what the numbers meant. The president said companies in October hired more workers than at any other time in the last eight months. Mr. Romney called the jobless rate "a sad reminder that the economy is at a virtual standstill."












**New York Continues to Recover**

Many New Yorkers Saturday are still without critical resources, including power, heat and food, in the wake of the devastation caused by "superstorm" Sandy that thrashed the U.S. East Coast.

Some New Yorkers were surprised that Mayor Michael Bloomberg had initially given the go-ahead for Sunday's New York Marathon, when so many of the city's residents are in dire need. Bloomberg reversed his decision Friday, saying he did not want a "cloud" to hang over the race or its participants.

A New York newspaper says it discovered race officials were hoarding supplies for the race that could have been used for Sandy's victims.

The New York Post said among the resources stashed away were 41 power generators that could have provided electricity for homes, hundreds of portable toilets, pallets of water and dozens of coffee brewers.

Mayor Bloomberg compared having the race to the 2001 Marathon after the September 11 terror attack on the World Trade Center. But, that race came two months after the attack. Sandy struck the city less than a week ago.

Preliminary estimates have put the total cost of the storm for the east coast at between $20 billion and $50 billion. And each day businesses remain closed reduces the region's economic output by about $200 million.

Although affected parts of the U.S. East Coast are trying to get back to business as usual, many challenges remain.

Many transit systems are still operating on limited schedules, and many gas stations are not able to operate because they still do not have power. A report in New Jersey's Bergen Record newspaper says it could be a month or more before train service to New York is fully restored.

The American Automobile Association ((a nationwide motor club)) says about 60 percent of gas stations in New Jersey and about 70 percent of those on New York's Long Island are closed.