
中国时间 9:13 2024年7月27日 星期六







**US, South Korea Begin Naval Exercises**

South Korea and the United States have launched a joint naval exercise off the east coast of the Korean peninsula to test the combat readiness of the two allies.

Officials say the three-day drill began Monday in the East Sea near the city of Pohang. The exercise includes operating training, detecting and tracking a submarine, anti-air and anti-ship live fire training and anti-missile training.

The South Korean Navy deployed 10 vessels, while the U.S. Navy has the nuclear submarine USS San Francisco and the guided missile cruiser USS Shiloh in the maneuvers.

The drill comes as North Korea has ramped up daily threats of a nuclear test in response to expand UN sanctions imposed after its long-range rocket launch in December.






** Egyptian Beating Victim Admits Police Assaulted Him**

An Egyptian man who was stripped naked and beaten at an anti-government protest in Cairo last week has acknowledged that police were responsible for the assault, which was caught on camera and triggered national outrage.

Forty-eight-year-old Hamada Saber earlier had accused fellow protesters of beating him last Friday outside the presidential palace, where they had gathered to denounce the Islamist-led government of President Mohamed Morsi.

But, in an interview with an Egyptian television network on Sunday, Saber changed his story, admitting that riot police were to blame. The incident was broadcast live on Egyptian television and clearly showed helmeted police beating the man and dragging him naked across the ground.

Mr. Morsi's office called the video "shocking," and the Egyptian interior ministry, which oversees the police, ordered a rare investigation.