
中国时间 23:30 2025年1月17日 星期五









US Warns Airlines of Possible Shoe Bomb Threat

The U.S. government has warned airlines about a potential shoe bomb threat on international flights to the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday it issued a warning based on "very recent intelligence" considered credible that assailants would try to attack passenger jets using explosives hidden in shoes.

It is the second time in three months that the government has issued a warning about possible attempts to smuggle explosives on a commercial jetliner.

U.S. intelligence sources said the DHS released a notice to airlines reiterating that liquids, shoes and certain cosmetics were of concern, all of which are covered under existing Transportation Security Administration security policies.

It is not clear if the latest warning, first reported Wednesday by NBC News, is related to earlier threats to Russia-bound flights.

Earlier this month, the DHS warned airlines with flights to Russia to be on the lookout for explosive devices possibly hidden inside toothpaste tubes.

**基辅星期四又爆发冲突 22人丧生**







Clashes Break Out in Kyiv Despite Truce

Witnesses in the Ukrainian capital say at least 22 people have been killed in fresh clashes that erupted between anti-government protesters and police, hours after President Viktor Yanukovych announced a truce with opposition leaders.

Some of those killed were reportedly shot by government snipers. Ukraine's Interior Ministry, meanwhile, reported that three police officers were killed Thursday. It said more than 50 police personnel had been hospitalized during the day, 30 of them with gunshot wounds.

The latest reported death toll is in addition to the 28 people the health ministry says were killed in clashes earlier this week after riot police swarmed a makeshift protest camp in Kyiv.

The violence comes as three European Union foreign ministers met with President Yanukovych in Kyiv to discuss the crisis. Earlier reports said the talks were called off due to the renewed violence. Later in the day, the EU is holding an emergency meeting in Brussels to discuss possible sanctions against those responsible for the unrest.

Clashes between anti-government protesters and police have escalated this week. In addition to the deaths, nearly 300 people have been hospitalized -- including 88 police officers, six journalists, and a member of parliament.

President Yanukovych and the leaders of anti-government protests had agreed on a truce Wednesday. A statement on President Viktor Yanukovych's website said it is aimed at "ending the bloodshed and stabilizing the situation ......in the interests of social peace." It did not provide details.